Process Indicator Controller cum Transmitter, Model NUIC-2412


This is micro-controller based Process Indicator Controller Cum Process Transmitter. The instrument has universal inputs like 0-20mA/4-20mA/0-5vDC/1-5VDC/0-10VDc/RTD/J-type/K-type and it also has retransmission output 4-20mA and Modbus (RS485) Communication, and 2 Relay control.


  • Before connecting power supply insure that you are connecting I/P voltage to the right terminals. On application of proper power supply & input sensor. The instrument will display Control / Set Point value in lower display and Process Value in upper display.
  • Key Operation
  • By pressing PRG key, For Configuration mode.
  • By pressing UP /DN key value can be change and press Ent key for store modified value.
  • Relay Operation
  • Relay   : Relay OFF when  value  is less than Set value & ON when value is more than Set value and  Vice-versa.



How can you calibrate thermocouple J/K

Apply  MV at terminal +1 & -2 , Press PRG key for 3seconds Now display input parameter here use upkey/dnkey and  select C.J-t/C.K-t  parameter  press enter key, display  present value of thermocouple if need  adjustment then use up/dn key set right value(according  the temp. chart) and subtract ambient temperature  value from it , now  Press  and hold PRGkey after 1second press Ekey and release both keys. Now Calibration Completed.

How can calibrate RTD(PT100)

Apply  100.0E 1% Resistance  at terminal  2 & 3 ,Press PRG key for 3seconds Now display input parameter here use upkey/dnkey and  select  C.rtd  parameter  press enter key, display  present value of the resistance  if not show  100.0 E  then  Press  and hold PRGkey after 1second press Ekey and release both keys. Now Calibration Completed.

How Can select Parameters

1st Press Prgkey for 3 seconds display inputs  parameter in this parameter user can select any one input and press Ekey for next parameters use upkey and pervious parameter use dnkey  .  User can select any parameter by use upkey/dnkey .  ‘Exit Parameter’ in this parameter if press E key then exit from programming mode.


PROTOCOL    : Modbus RTU serial
STANDARD    : RS-485
DATA BIT        :  8 BITS
STOP BIT        :  1
PARTY            : NONE
The unit can be connected in RS-485 communication data link either in multi drop or repeat mode. Each unit must have unique Serial Number. Entire range of addresses (1 to 255) may be used. Before starting any communication, choose a baud rate compatible to the host computer. The serial protocol used is MODBUS RTU.
Read Holding registers  FUNCTION = 03
Master Query: [ id] [Function Code][High Addr. Byte][Low addr. Byte][No of Points
High][No. of point low][CRCL][CRCH
Slave Response: [ id]  [Function Code][ Byte Count.][Data High][Data Low ] [CRCL][CRCH]
Master Query:
[ id] ]Function Code][High Addr. Byte][Low addr. Byte][No of Points High][No. of point
1.  4000      PROCESS VALUE  (R)
2   4001    Load value (0-1000) for retransmission


Press and  hold Dnkey  + Prgkey for  5 seconds then display  “Zero” now apply  0mA at input terminal(+1 &-2) after that press E key now display ADC value  counts wait for  3 seconds  then  press and hold  Prgkey  after 1 seconds press Ekey  and now release  both key ,Display CALL (Low calibration) now apply 4mA at input terminal (+1 & -2) after that press Ekey Now display  ADC counts wait for 5 seconds then Press and hold Prgkey after 1 seconds press E key and now release both keys, Display CALH(High Calibration) now apply 20mA at input terminal(+1 & -2) after that press E key now Display ADC  counts wait for 5 seconds then press and hold Prgkey after 1 seconds  press E key Now calibration complete . Note after calibration parameter SPANL/SPANH must be redefine.

Note: 250E 1% resistance must be connect at terminal 1& 2 at the time of calibration


1.   Err1:
2.  -Err:
3.   Open:
4.  Undr
5.  over
Err1:   If the instrument is showing error1, then the internal data of the instrument has been corrupted in this error, now it has to be defaulted. The default value  to be loaded in internal memory through for the following process. 1st  switch   power  of the instrument power  after  press & hold Dnkey + Upkey +Ekey then power switch on of the instrument after 10 seconds releases both key, Now  instrument must be  reconfigure and recalibrate .
  -Err: If the instrument is showing -Err, it means input terminal connection is reversed. So please change input terminal connection (+1 / -2).
Open:     input terminal wire disconnected or input source has been faulted.
Undr   :  input value low then 4mA/1VDC.
Over :         input higher than defined range setting.